Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journal #1: Mick Jagger by Peter Max

Peter Max
Mick Jagger
1995 Acrylic & Silkscreen on Paper


  1. He said, be "Mindless" which is a wonderful way to go about art, it makes me curious; It makes me want to take action, and just start letting the flavors flow right now. This paticular painting of his is beautiful, its different, it pops and blows my mind as I go from top to bottom I see where the "mindless" factor comes in. He manufactures emotion as he uses colors that are in a complete diseray to form a picture that displays this future type, funky 80's look, and which of course it is a 80's theme but he's like a pineer. He blended each color to perfection then he puts a splash trove over it; for example the left hand, was blinded with orange and yellow, Then he threw lime green over it to give it that passionate thrust, to stand out and be energetic. He uses harsh yellows and bold reds, then he coats the fingers with baby blue, and it dimenstrates this code that is profound, he stretches the purples across the outlines of the jacket, and just near the waist; I believe the best part is the belt buckle its so simple and clean. The orange of the belt buckle clashes with the black and goes with purple outline that is right below the yellow streak which very bold yet smooth. He contrast the bold colors with dark and content colors, with full shapes, such as the ocean blue theme in the jacket. I believe the blues and the purple balance out the picture, and portray a "HEAR ME" tone. Mick Jagger is apart of the Rolling Stones which definately brings out the pop culture "Hear me" notion that i meantioned before.I fancy all the colors, he developes this perfect picture and whether you know his art or not, or whether even if you dont know that this is Mick Jagger, it's just bold and amazing, superb and fantastic. We looked at other paintings of MJ, and I thought it was very creative that he experminted with his paintings, doing it more than once, and spilling out his talents into different canvas' of the same thing inistiating even more flow, and mindlessness. The Bright colors represent MJ's personality on stage very, which is energetic obviously. I fallows trueth, and puts that in strokes which is definately flowing together in every way.

  2. i think this is a very bright piece of artwork, that is my first impression. it has alot of contrasting colors in it. There also alot of variation in the colors. As sarah said if you were to write down all of the colors you would think, wow that is going to be a mess, but it works. the colors he uses makes it look very energetic, just like mick jagger is very energetic. so it captures his personality very well.

  3. Peter Max did a great job of giving that energetic mood for this painting. My first impression was about the colors he used. Although they are wild and crazy colors they oppose each other and stand out very well. What amazed me probably the most about this painting was the detail that Peter Max put into it. When I first looked at it, I did not expect there to be much detail in it but the closer and longer I looked, I noticed the ammount of detail in it. Every part from the face to the fingers has a lot of detail in it. One of my favorite parts of the painting is the orange that is right above the face and shoulder. By this being on top of the green, it really allowed the face to stand out even more. The focal point for me in this piece was the face. There are so many different bright colors in this piece so the white really stood out from those colors. I loved this painting and had no complaints about it.
