Thursday, May 5, 2011

Journal #12: Pieta by Michelangelo

Saint Peter's Basilica


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  2. Michelangelo
    Saint Peter's Basilica

    My frist impression of the sculture is that it has alot of detail in the work. I can identify the peice as Mary and Jesus. I think i would describe the work as Mary holding her song Jesus dead.

    The artist made the cloth every droopy and long and i think that makes the scene look sad and depressing. The look on Mary's face also looks sad. I notice that he used marble which is probably really hard to carve into. My atention is on Mary's face.

    I think the meaning behind the work is that Mary is feeling pity for Jesus. The theme or subject of the work is pity. Jesus is the symbol for him dying for us. The clear meaning behind the work is Jesus dying and Mary feeling pity.

    My thoughts and feelings still haven't changed since the beinning and i still think that the piece has alot of detail and work put into it. I think that my favorite part is the cloth and how it flows and my least favorite part is how Mary's head looks tiny campared to her body. My overall of impression of the sculture is that Its cool and looks difficult.

  3. It’s delicious; as all Renaissance art is. Michelangelo - a picture perfect artist, obviously. My first impression utter awe, and complete interest. The massive size constructed so flawlessly; is enough to keep me in one place. It makes me wonder what he was thinking when he chiseled away at the marble. "This moment - for life." The name Pieta - Pity. However is enough to make me walk away? "Pity" the title reminds me of death. (No more dreaming) Like thunder from far, far away. It’s like watching the world waking... in fire. "Pity" like a voice shaking in the dark, or a heart beat that grows faint with each pulse. Slowly drifting into the abyss. "Pity" A drumming that never gets faster, never slows, its Insignificant. It puts me down. That’s why my "awe" is drowned out. I love art; I love magnificence’s and perfection. Originality at its best. But my admiration for this piece - Pieta, Jesus, Marry, his death. It’s all too real, being done in someone’s image - that’s true art, however it’s too much. Weeping in the darkness, I feel like I’m not welcome among it; because my vision is different of him. I'm very appreciative of his detail, his consideration, his time spent, but I do not feel the principles the radiant colors that I see Jesus (even in death) draped in. Marry looks more like a god then a mere women, like a lover more than a mother, like Jesus is a confession, and not an offering. His work is evidently unparalleled (if he were to be alone in his vision). He lacks aurora. Each line and curve is perfect; every inch is followed by precision. His belief is visibly that Jesus was born this way. That Marry was born a goddess, and God is perfection. I look at it again, and still I am not pleased. If we were all created in his image (God) then I feel that this conveys that I'm not of him, because I look nothing of this obvious culture. But how can

  4. Describe:
    Saint Peter's Basilica
    - my first impression of this is that it looks like that person is dead.
    - i can identify two people sitting on something.
    - i seee one person holding anotheer sitting on someting & the one being held looks dead.
    -The artist really used flow in the drapes hanging down near the bottom.
    - i bet this was hard to work with because it was rock.
    -my attention focuses on the dead person...
    - the meanig behind the name of the work is "pity" & so you feel pity for the dead perosn,
    - the subject of the work is mary & jesus/
    - there are objects, mary & jesus that represent mary & jesus.
    The meaning behind the work is jesus dying & mary feeling pity for him.
    - My feelings havent really changed i just know more detail about the piece.
    - I like the drapes the most because of the flow.
    - I wouldnt really change anything.
    - my overall impression of the work is that it is good, but sad.

  5. Michelangelo
    Saint Peter's Basilica

    Sculptures always tend to impress me every time. Probably because it is definitely something I could not do.. at all. Although this is not one of my favorite sculptures I have seen, I still have to respect it. My first impression was that the man was dead and the woman was either his mother, sister, or wife. I am not sure who the man and woman could represent though. My eyes immediately went to the expression on the womans face. By the look on her face, you can easily tell that she is very sad and upset but it does not look like she is crying. I think that she knew that he was going to die by the expression on her face. I think that Michelangelo is trying to get the point across that we have to just go with things and accept what happens most of the time. After looking at the sculpture for a while, my feelings of it have not changed. I still do not think it is the best, but not bad at all. I still find the piece for the most part depressing.
