Thursday, April 28, 2011

Journal #11: Sunday Afternoon

George Seurat
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Oil on Canvas
Art Institute of Chicago


  1. I dont like it, sad fact is I dont even know why. I just want to go kick that lady in the butt lol, who needs a umbrella in the shade. Like what the crap? Oh, I know what it is, the boring art style - pointilism. Yeah, thats just great. Too much green,(even if) it contrasted perfectly with every color I still would have no feelings for it. I feel like that soil is temporay, and everyone looks fake. FAKE I SAY! Theres no faces - it messes up the flow that isnt even there. The artist used shades of red and green, adding grayscale tones to draken and lighten certain points of the painting. The blue is the only dissamilarity - I obviously dont like that. It has to all be perfect. Something has to go BAM!!! And nothing is going BAM!!! In this ... this deaden painting. The dog is my vocal point, mainly because he's the darkest part of the painting, he looks like a scavenger. The trees look like a bushel of green bees, me no likey that either. It just doesnt fit. The colors dont exactly flow, it all blends like making icing in a blender on super super fast. (Just swing me around, why dont you) Thats how feel, theres no highlight, no intresting area from my perspective. I'm bored with it. BLAAAAH thats how I feel. My thoughts havent changed from beginning to end. Nothing shows great vibarent emotions - saying is theres no faces, how conveint. No clear meaning, no central idea, and I'm not feeling te least bit of communication here. I'd change everything the colors, the balance and the vocal point, and take that hump from that ladies butt. Its unnessecary. lol really

  2. George Seurat
    Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
    Oil on Canvas
    Art Institute of Chicago

    When I first looked at this painting, I noticed the calm and relaxing mood that the artist gave with this piece. I think that the style Seurat used in this piece looks great. It also helps make the people and objects look peaceful. The mood of any peace can really be affected from this style and choice of materials. My attention focuses on the trees for some reason. I really like the way they look. Some other parts of this piece that I find interesting are the shadows and the reflections in the water and add to the piece a lot in my opinion. After studying and observing this painting, my thoughts have not change any. I still get the same feeling from looking at it as I did when I first looked at it. I enjoyed this piece. It is very plain and simple but the style used is very interesting to me.

  3. George Seurat
    Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
    Oil on Canvas
    Art Institute of Chicago

    My first impression on the piece is that I like the lake in the background with the boats. I can identify boats, umbrellas, some pets, and all the people. In my own words I would describe the scene as a bunch of fancy people and one slouched guy in the sun or the shade just relaxing.

    The artist used the color red to make the people in the sun stand out more against the green grass and used black for some of the people in the shade to make them kinda blend in a little more. I notice that the artist used oil on canvas to paint this piece so it probably took forever if it was only painted using dots. On this piece my focus is on the lady in black in the shade. I think it is on that lady because she is so big compared to other people and the color of her shirt is differnt and so dark.

    I think the meaning of the title is just explaining what is happening in the peice, that it is just a normal sunday afternoon on an island. I think the theme or subject of the work is just layed back and relaxed because everyone is just enjoying the day. I don't think there are really any objects in the piece that specifically symbolize emotions or events in the artwork. There is a clear meaning behind the artwork and its just tat they are on the island on a sunday afternoon.

    No my thoughts and feelings haven't changed since the beginning I still think that the piece is kinda cool but I don't like it that much. The thing i like the most about the work is the man that stands out because he is slouching and realazing compared to the other proper people around him. Theres not really anything that i would change about the piece except that i think there should be a few more people sitting down. My overall impression of the work is that its okay.

  4. Describe:
    -George Seurat
    Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
    Oil on Canvas
    Art Institute of Chicago
    - My first impression is that it looks very fake.
    - i can identify people, & a park & an umbrella
    - this , in my own words, is a sunday afternoon, after church in a park.
    -The artist used alot of red for the peoples clothes & it contrasts very well against the green. they also used more curvy lines to make it look flowy.
    - My attentuion focuses on the lady upfront with the big butt & the umbrella. my eyes are natuarally drawn to her.
    - I think the meaning behind the work has to kinda do with people being stuck up.. everyone is all sitting straight up & whatnot except that one guy that is layed out, which is how i think people should be at the park.
    - I think the theme "is sundays"
    - i think the red kinda represents something but im not sure what.
    - i think the only meaningbehind this work is that they are at a park on a sunday afternoon.
    - My thoughts havent really changed since my first impression. it still looks prettyfake to me
    - i like the man layed out the best because thats how i would be
    - i wouldnt really change anything about this because it is the artists work, but if i uhad to change something, i would make it look more real.
    - my overaall impression of the work is thati dont like it,
