Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal #4: Saturn Devouring His Son

Francisco Goya
Saturn Devouring His Son
1823 Oil on Canvas
Museo de Prado, Madrid


  1. My first impression of the painting was that it is very creepy. Out of the two i like Peter Paul Ruben's better because it looks a little more realilistic and you can see the baby's face. The story of the painting is that Saturn ate his baby's once they were born because he feared that they would overthrow him. Both artists used dark colors which made the painting look dark and creepier than it already is. My focal point on Goya's is saturns face but on Rubens my focal point is on the babies face. On both of them Saturn has a differnt facial expression. In Goya's his face is almost as if he doesn't want to do it. But on Rubens he just looks evil. On Goya's the background is just black and dark. on Rubens he is in the clouds and there are a few stars in the sky. my first impression still hasn't changed i still think both pieces are extremely creepy. I don't have a favorite part of either of the piece but i really don't like how they showed the baby's face or how Goya used blood. :P

  2. i think this is disgusting, it makes me quessy just looking at it. i personally like art alot better that is pretty. i guess he dipicted the "theme" he was going for in this art work oretty good. he used very dark colors to accomodate the nasty action that is going on in this picture. my eye is naturally drawn to the blood, because it is red and stands out aqgainst the dark colors , it wass good contrast. my first impression doesnt change the more i look at it, it still disturbs me deeply & makes me get a weird feeling. however, i do admit that the one by peter paul rubans was 20times worse then this one. in his you could actually see the expression of the baby, which is terrible and also you could see the old fat wrinkles of the old man, it was quite saggy and once again, disturbing.

  3. I find this painting slightly creepy. When I first looked at this painting I thought "why would someone want to paint this?". I really think that Goya expressed the mood of this piece by making the background solid black. The colors used give off nothing but a depressed feeling to the viewer. I first noticed the expression on Saturn's face and his eyes. That stood out the most to me. Also, I thought the blood stood out. With all of the colors being dark and gloomy, the red stood out. I did not like this painting at all. Mainly because I like paintings with a little more color to them.
