Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journal #5: Self Portrait in the Green Bugatti by Tamera de Lempicka

Tamera de Lempicka
Self Portrait in the Green Bugatti
1925 Oil on Wood


  1. my first impression of this peice is that i liked the color of the car. the artist used red for the lips for make them stand out against the teal car. the expression on her face is very serious. my favorite part of the picture is the color of the car with the red lips. i also like how she has a grey scarf. one thing i don't like of the picture is how she has something on her head covering her hair. i think it would have looked cooler if she let the hair blow in the wind. the theme of this peice is that she is an independent woman. my impression of this peice is the same as my first impression. i still like the colors.

  2. This is a very unique painting, I was automatically drawn to the turquiose color of the car. The object that attracted my attention the most was the staring wheel. Her glare is that of a women scorned, she looks like a lady from the fifties scowling at her mate that has adruptly pissed her off. I cant tell, but I believe her arm is perched over the head of the other passenger side chair, as if she's been sitting for a while, spying perhaps. (lol its a sexy stare, as Enriques Iglesias would say "I like it"). The picture to me desplays a night time atmosphere, a darkness that pertrays itself in each color. As the vanilla caramel colors flow into to the black, and pop against the teal. The lightning seems to be coming from her left our right, as if a lampost is abover her. Her lipstick is also a vocal point for me, I did look there after closing my eyes and opening them, to see what stole them first. My first impressing was of her intimedating look. Its sophisticated. All in All- I love it, nice chose Mrs. T, its fabulosity. I like this painting alot overlooking it for the third and final time, the tone is mysterious, and full of question; some what a form of doubt to me. Again very pleasnt to look at, it was great chose, and this artist definatly took care while painting it.

  3. This is a very unique painting, I was automatically drawn to the turquiose color of the car. The object that attracted my attention the most was the staring wheel. Her glare is that of a women scorned, she looks like a lady from the fifties scowling at her mate that has adruptly pissed her off. I cant tell, but I believe her arm is perched over the head of the other passenger side chair, as if she's been sitting for a while, spying perhaps. (lol its a sexy stare, as Enriques Iglesias would say "I like it"). The picture to me desplays a night time atmosphere, a darkness that pertrays itself in each color. As the vanilla caramel colors flow into to the black, and pop against the teal. The lighting seems to be coming from her left our right, as if a lampost is abover her. Her lipstick is also a vocal point for me, I did look there after closing my eyes and opening them, to see what stole them first. My first impressing was of her intimedating look. Its sophisticated. All in All- I love it, nice chose Mrs. T, its fabulosity. I like this painting alot overlooking it for the third and final time, the tone is mysterious, and full of question; some what a form of doubt to me. Again very pleasnt to look at, it was great chose, and this artist definatly took care while painting it.

  4. My first impression of this picture is that it looks very classic. it looks prestine and kind of stuck up. the lady seems to have a very confident look to her and she seems to know that she has the world in her hands. i like the way she looks independent which as you told us she was feministic. I also like the colors she used, she used cool colrs which sets the mood that she is just "chillin" and its not a big deal that she is a lady driving a Buggati. it is known that buggatis are very expensive cars that are drove by "high rollers" and so it is expressing her independence more by having her drive one. My eyes are naturally drawn to her lips and that kind of makes me think that she is from the south because it is a southern bell rule that you dont goout of the house without lipstick on and i feel like she tried to make that stand out because it contrasts against everything else in the picture.

  5. My first impression of this painting was that I did not like the expression on her face but I love the way the car looks. She has a very serious, almost mad, look on her face. I also do not like the way her eyes look. They almost look fake compared to the rest of her face. I do like the contrast of colors. The teal car makes her white face stand out a lot. My favorite part of the whole piece is the direction of the lighting. It gives off great light and shadows and it also puts off a great mood for the piece in my opinion. I am not a big fan of this painting but I do like the lighting and the car.
