Thursday, February 24, 2011

Journal #6: Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michaelangelo

Michaelangelo Buonarroti

Sistine Chapel Ceiling

Fresco Paintings, 1508-1512

Vatican City, Italy


  1. The part of the ceiling I am looking at is the Creation of the sun, moon, and the plants. My first impression of the piece is that the detail in each peice of the ceiling is very good. I like how each peice tells a story and how the painting looks life like. He used white and other light colors to make the people look angelic. The section i am looking at is when God created plants and divides the sun and moon and heavens. The theme of the work is that it is when the creation of the sun, moon, and plants were happened. My thoughts and feelings on the piece is still the same. I like the colors and the painting a lot. My favorite part is the right side where the sun and the moon are behind him. I don't really like the creeepy little boy beside him staring at him with weird eyes. But besides that its good.

  2. When I first looked at the ceiling, I thought that all of it represented one thing. I found out that there are numerous paintings representing different things and events in the ceiling. I thought that was very interesting and it would take me a long time to think out something that complex. All of these paintings were very detailed. After looking at them all, The Flood stood out to me the most. I thought the ammount of detail created in this section was great. Each person in the section has their own facial expression and appearance. My thoughts of this section remain the same from when I first observed it because I still get the same impression of the flood and I still notice the ammount of detail. Overall, I really like the Sistine Chapel ceiling as a whole. It is very creative and was well planned and thought out.

  3. Michaelangelo Buonarroti
    Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    Fresco Paintings, 1508-1512
    Vatican City, Italy

    My first impression of ths work was actually a long time ago, & i have always found it interesting. there are alot of specific biblical images in this piece of work. this isnt just one scene this is very many scenes put together in an AWESOME way. i love it.
    This artist deffinitly used flow which helped alomost tell stories through out this piece of art. also he was very detailed in his work & used im sure pretty much every color out there lol. i notice that this artist choice of materials was very interesting seeing how paint could drip & painting a ceiling couldnt have been very easy. my attention focuses more on the thing as a whole then a specific piece. I think the meaning a theme behind this work is based on the bibles & stories from back then. The more i have gotten to see this picture in detail i relized it is alot more detailed then i thought and even more amazing and interesting then i found it before. i like most that this was done on a ceiling because that is just awesome and different & i like it. i wouldnt change anything about this piece of work because the artist created it like this for a reason & i respect that (:
