Thursday, March 3, 2011

Journal #7: Brian Froud

Brian Froud
Fairy Godmother


  1. Brian Froud
    Fairy Godmother

    My frist impression of the piece is that the piece looks very mystical. I like how it is purple and white it makes the picture look soft and flowy. Some specific ojects i see in the piece is the fruit in her hand, that i think is an apple. In her other hand she is holding like a ball. I also see animals and maybe a tree branch in the backgroud. In my own words I would describe the piece as a Fairy Godmother holding a poisened apple with her magical pets around her. :)
    One element principal of design that he used is a contrasting color of the apple against the purple to make the fruit stand out more. He also used a monocramatic color sceme when using different shades of purple. My focal point in this piece is the appe. It is probably the apple because it is a different color than the rest of the picture so it stands out more than the rest.
    I think the meaning of the work is just that Fairy Godmothers are very magical and they are friendly to animals. The subject or theme of the piece is the Fairy Godmother. The colors that he used may mean that they are very sweet and kind because the people looks very nice and soft.
    My thoughts and feelings haven't changed since the beggining. I still think that the piece looks mystical and that the colors are very flowy. The thing I like most about the piece is that you have to look for the animals in the background. That you don't see them at first. The thing i like least about the piece is the way her smirk looks. It looks as if the Fairy Godmother has a evil little plan in mind. The one thing that i would change about the piece is that i would probably add a few more small animals in the background. My overall impression of the piece is that I like it and I would like to see more of his work later.

  2. Brian Froud
    Fairy Godmother

    When I first looked at this piece I did not like it. The reason is because I am not a big fan of these types of paintings (with fairies and stuff). What I noticed about the painting is that Brian Froud created a peaceful and calm mood by making her many shades of purple. Although the apple is a completely different color than the rest of the piece, it is not what catches my attention the most. The small round glows all around her face stand out the most to me. Probably because they are brighter and contrast better with the purple than the dark red-orange of the apple. The animals are the most interesting part to me because they are almost hidden and do not stand out much at all. After looking at this piece for a while, my thoughts have not changed about it. I still do not like it a lot and it still gives off a peaceful mood. I think it is very creative though.

  3. Brian Froud
    Fairy Godmother

    My first impression of this piece of artwork is that it is very unique & different. I notice the fairy, & it seems like she is sitting there thinking about life & whatever happens in fairy world... also, she seems to be holding something, possibly an apple is my guess.
    the artist definatly had flow with the robe.They stuck to mainly purple in this artwork, but also threw in a lil orange to contrast against the purple, also the lights are white which also stand out. my attention is instantly drawn to the apple because it is just different then the rest of the piece. honestly, i have no clue what the meaning is behind this work because i dont know anything about fairies. The theme or subject is the fairy. I think the bright lights on top pf her head could represent either thoughts or hope. i think the artist likes fairys. My thoughts havent really changed since my first impression of the art because i still dont like faries so im not interested in it.i like the lights the most. i would change alot about this because i wouldnt paint a fairy in the first place. overall though, if they HAD to paint a fairy, they did a good job.
