Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal #9: The Potatoe Eaters by Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh
The Potatoe Eaters
1885 Oil on Canvas
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


  1. Describe:
    -Vincent Van Gogh
    The Potatoe Eaters
    1885 Oil on Canvas
    Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

    - my first impression is that the people look old & tired and kinda dirty.
    -i can identify people sitting around a table eating food.
    - i feel like the artist used dark colors to set a kinda errie mood.
    the way he used lines in their clothes make them look more realistic.
    also he used a lot of more flowy lines to show that they are kind of gentle people.
    they also used sharp jaw lines to show that they probably have worries though.
    I like how the light that is hiddin behind the people shows some hope & brightness in what seems like a rough life.
    -oh they used oil on canvas, thats great.
    -my sttention focuses on the "light" in the middle
    -the meaning behind the title has to do with the fact that he wanted to draw people like good dusty old potatoes, unpeeled.
    - the theme is these old timey people having dinner.
    - i feel like the the bright colors in the middle that is supposed to be a light represents hope.
    -The meaning behind the work is that this is a peasant family sitting at a table eating together.
    - my thoughts or feelings are still pretty much the same, i still think it is creepy & i dontlike it, but ii do see more detail then i first did.
    - like i said before the light is my favorite part of this work& myleast mavorite is the dark colors.
    -no i wouldnt change anything about this work because i feel likethey created this how THEY wanted it to be.
    - my overall impression of the work is that its bad.

  2. First impression, I dont feel apart of their conversation at all. It looks like a pub or maybe a inn. The colors are very shady, and mysterious ( too dark based for me) I'm not paticurally a fan of this work. It reaks of gossip, and that in paticular from my perspective is nasty, not disgusting just un necessary. However I'm attracted to the balance that flows through the entire painting, which to me tells a fawlse story via my first impression. I felt like a punished patatoe peeler sitting in the corner while my family set in the comfort of the only light that pierced the thick air of this peasent home. Which is quite intresting saying as I dont really like the painting. A specific part of this painting that I just fall in love with is the lamp light, absolutely stunning, I honestly imagined it being the fire that the family carries, even though they seem to be the poorest family in the slumbs of the Ghetto, which during that time, and period was normal - heck the coolest kids in history were poor, like the titanic movie the bad boy that was the poorest on the ship was not only the sexiest but the one with most personality, like I said totally normal. The tone is very settle, I'm still very confused - I'm making the wrong connections every where. Another section of the picture was very pleasent to look at. Very generous detail atop the ceiling, the lines were very clear, very nice features, leading down to the beam. The focal point is the the lamp light, the shadows are cast from that point, and it seems to be the center of attention. The Patatoe Eaters - just the name tickles me, the old english is very cute. It obviously named after what their doing on the table, and its a bit boring like the scene is; so it fits. All in all its a great painting, but I'm not in love with it; nice pick Mrs. T.

  3. Vincent Van Gogh
    The Potatoe Eaters
    1885 Oil on Canvas
    Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

    My first impression was that they are very quiet at the table while they eat. It doesn't seem that much conversation gets done while they are eating just from the expressions on their faces. It also seems to me that they are very used to eating together, like they do it everyday. What I noticed about the color and lighting of the painting is that the light hanging above the table supplies the light for the entire room and the artist showed that. By doing this, Van Gogh gave off the dark setting of the room. The feeling I get when I look at this piece is pretty neutral. It's not depressing to me at all but it isn't happy or exciting either. The focus point to me is the light and the two ladies that are in the middle of the piece sitting in the light. They stand out the most. What I like the most about this piece is probably that Van Gogh didn't make it look very realistic. It really helps set the mood. After observing this piece, my feelings didn't change about it. I still felt neutral from looking at it and still noticed the same things that I did when I first looked at it. Overall, I like this painting. Not my favorite, but I like it.

  4. Vincent Van Gogh
    The Potatoe Eaters
    1885 Oil on Canvas
    Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

    My first impression of the peice was that the piece is very dark and not very colorful. Some specific objects i see in the piece is the light and some smoke plus five people with food with windows in the room next door. In my own words i would describe the piece was 5 poor people sharing a plate of hot food and tea.

    The colors are very dark and make the scene seem sad. My attention focuses on the light in the middle of the room. The tea in the persons hand and the cups on the table also caught my eye.

    I think the meaning of the work is that maybe they were in a hard time and they didn't have alot of money to make a large meal so they just made what they could. The ojects that make the event are the food and the tea thats on the table and the table itself. The clear meaning is just a family haaving a meal together.

    My thoughts and feelings haven't changed since the beginning because i still think it is dark and not colorful. The thing i like most about the wok is the light that is coming off of the light that makes the shadows on the people's faces. I also like the expression on the girl to left's face becuase she is just staring at the man with the wierd mouth like he is stupid. The thing i like least is how dark it is even though it was supposed to be that dark. My overall impression of the work is that it is good but not my favorite that we have looked at.


    its friday friday gotta get down of friday!
