Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal #10: Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain
Marble and Rock
Rome, Italy


  1. Describe:
    -Trevi Fountain
    Marble and Rock
    Rome, Italy
    - MY first impression is that this is a fountain with some historical meaning.
    - i notice a man of some sort.
    -this is a man standing on top of a "waterfall"
    -The artist used the sharps edges of the rocksto create a "sharp: look. also the man is the only smooth looking stone inthere making him stand out.
    -its rock. so i bet it was hard to work with.
    - my attention focuses on the man at the top.
    - maybe the mans name is "Trevi"
    - the man at the top seems to be the subject in mind.
    - the thing is all one color.. so no colors represent anything, maybe the look was supposed to be "bland"
    - there really isnt a clear meaning behind the work because i dont know what the meaning is.
    -my thoughts & feelings have pretty much stayed the same.. it is still just a fountain.
    - i like the water the best cause it is flowy & pretty.
    - i would not change anything because it is the artists idea, not mine.. but maybe add some color.
    - my overal impression is that it is very BORING

  2. This is amazing; yes I say that about everything, but thats because I apreciate everything I can't do- or at least havent attempted to do. My first impression is ... The hands of God did this lol no really. The first thing I see is the incorporated waterfall, its magical, and outstanding. In my own words I would describe this is "Staring at the sun" (I know I'm weird) A cross a stream from a cemetary (in my mind) - the feelings that I feel indside a conscious, like Staring at the sun, it took the burning emotions of a thousand flames parting the sea to create this awesomness, a place where your voice cant save you. (Staring at the sun, standing in the sea) it takes me back to the fact that life doesnt last forever, so I'm in awe, how I cut that cloth from this scuplture, I dont know. *SCULPTING* its always epic, a chose of Renaissance style artwork {he's obviously a beast} The way the sun hits it, adds to the effect it give off - a traumatizing scene, I cant imagine how baffling it looks when the moon hits it. When I look at any sculpting my mind is in complete ecstasy, I cant possibly fathom what it took to do something so great. I want to be like that one day. I want people to see what I've done and just be like.Damn. lol she's a beast.

  3. Trevi Fountain
    Marble and Rock
    Rome, Italy

    My first impression was that I noticed the amount of detail that was put into this sculpture. There are many different things going on in the whole sculpture instead of just one thing. For me, the focal point was the man standing in the middle of the piece because, obviously, he is the highest up and looks larger than the others. I can also pick out a couple of horses and a few other men. The fountain is obviously showing an event or a symbol for something but I do not know what that is. To me, this sculpture is very interesting and exciting. I appriciate anyone who can do things like this greatly because it requires a lot of skill. My favorite part of this fountain is the horses. The artist created the horses in their current motion and I think they did a great job at it. Overall, I really enjoyed observing this sculpture. The detail and size is what amazed me the most.
